Fruits, vegetables and spices

There's a whole lot of noise out there about the best and most effective detox plans, leaving us somewhat confused about the most ideal one for us. From an outright food fast to a detox plan as lengthy as 21 days to as short as 3 days, the no-caffeine and no-dairy detox - to the no-white foods or only juice detox. Not forgetting the "all raw food" detox. To avoid the sometimes conflicting opinions on the subject, some opt for the less complicated plans that claim to detox thoroughly such as the over-the-counter cleansing supplements. The intentions are good but these plans tend to be a one-off event that feels unnatural.  For those who have participated in these different detox diets, the feedback is that they tend to be mentally draining and tiring, trying to figure out what to eat and not to eat. These detox diets sometimes leave us moody, withdrawn, fatigued, lacking in energy and some key nutrients, hungry, with an overwhelming desire to indulge in some real food. 

I don't believe a detox diet should be an unpleasant ordeal. It shouldn't be stressful, inconvenient or downright hard. The best detox plans are those that feel natural, easy to do and simple to achieve. Detox plans work best when they are done on a regular basis and can easily be incorporated into your everyday meal plan. 

Pieces of different fruits

What is a Detox and Why is it Important? 

Let's face it! A detox is great. With the kind of junk we eat, the contaminants in the water we drink, the level of pollution in our environment, the high level of chemicals in our soil, the level of pesticides in our foods, the hard metals in the aquatic, it is somewhat impossible to get away from all these harmful stuffs. While a detox cannot cure or treat any disease, it is essential in preventing even more serious chronic and degenerative diseases such as Cancer. Also, it is important in enhancing and supporting the detoxification process in your body as well as improving your overall health. 

Don't get it mixed up. Our bodies already have a super efficient system in place to regularly get rid of all the accumulated toxins. There is the kidneys, the liver and even our skin, through our sweat glands. But because of the high level of pollutants in the soil, water and air and the fact that we have moved away from eating the foods our bodies were originally designed to eat, our organs are having to work overtime getting rid of all those accumulated toxins and quite frankly, can do with a little help and support from us.

How do You Know if You Need a Detox? 

Key ways of knowing if you need a detox is quite simple. Have you been eating right? If your diet is full of sugary foods, processed foods, alcohol, drugs, salty foods and artificial preservatives; then you need a detox. If you feel unusually tired, sluggish, moody and irritated or maybe, you are experiencing frequent dull and persistent headaches throughout the day even when you have had a good night rest, then, it might be your body's way of telling you, you need a detox. If you suffer from infrequent bowel movements, feel under the weather or don't feel as energetic as you usually feel or had like to feel? Then, maybe you need to get your body on track by getting on a detox plan. 

How to Get Started on a Detox Plan that is Ideal for You 

One of the best ways to incorporate a natural detox into our everyday meal plan is simple lifestyle changes. Cutting out processed and packaged foods completely from your diet and sticking with organic, natural foods, is helping your body detox the best way.

A bowl of vegetables

Eating vegetables especially green vegetables such as Ugu(Pumpkin leaves), water leaf, bitter leaf and cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage is vital for a healthy diet and detox. Leafy green veggies help your body detox naturally. They are rich in chlorophyll that neutralize toxic chemicals and pesticides that get into our bodies through the foods we consume. Cruciferous vegetables are rich in fibre, vitamins, enzymes and phytonutrients which aid the process of metabolism and detoxification. 


If you decide to include more fruits in your diet, you are already on your way to a healthy and natural detox. Fruits such as citrus (oranges, lime, lemon, grapefruit), and apples, pears and berries are rich in fibre, phytonutrients and vitamins especially vitamin C,  that help the body naturally  detox. 

Wholegrains such as oats, wheat and millet; are rich in fibre, minerals and antioxidants that get rid of toxins and keep your organs young and healthy. 

Natural spices such as ginger, cinnamon, garlic, beets and onions are also great for a detox. They help your liver kickstart the process in which toxins are modified for excretion. Include them in your every meal. 

A jug and a glass of water

If you decide to replace or substitute all your fizzy and energy drinks with a simple glass of water, you are helping your body detox the healthy and natural way. Water keeps things going smoothly down there, eliminating waste and harmful toxins, cleaning out the colon and aiding digestion. Drink water first thing in the morning and last thing before going to bed. 

Believe it or not, a detox plan without regular exercise is incomplete. If you are doing about 150 minutes of exercise a week, you are aiding your body's detoxification process. 

In conclusion, detoxification should be done regularly by eating a balanced diet and cutting out sugars and processed foods. The best detox plans shouldn't leave you hungry, lacking in energy and vital nutrients. The most ideal detox diet is the one that feels most natural to you and can easily be incorporated into your everyday meal plan.

Happy Detox! 
