Dark Red Rose

Do you dread that time of the month? Do you experience intense mood swings that cause you to be irritable and snarl like a wild animal at anyone who dares to come near? Is the pain causing you to roll into a ball and cry like a baby? Are you feeling bloated or constipated? Are your cramps so severe you have to cancel all your plans and call in sick? You are not alone. 

Menstrual cramps are common to many women. It can be mild to severe and it starts immediately before or during your menstrual period. Menstruation is a normal biological process in every woman in which the lining of the uterus sheds off and is passed down through the cervix and out through the vaginal passage. Menstrual cramps are felt when the womb contracts too strongly, cutting off blood flow and oxygen to the tissue of the womb. These contractions in the womb are normal and they occur during a woman's menstrual cycle. But the intensity of the contractions is what results in pain when a muscle tissue in the womb does not get the required oxygen on time. These vary in different women. Some don't experience any pain at all, while others do. 

Symptoms of Menstrual Cramps 

The more common symptoms include:
Abdominal pain and discomfort . 
Aches in the lower back, hips and thighs. 
Sometimes , when cramps are intense, some women feel feverish, bloated, experience diarrhea and an upset stomach. This could include vomiting . 

Possibly Causes of Severe Menstrual Cramps 

Severe and intense cramps and abdominal pain can be an indication of a more serious problem. When cramps are very painful, unusual, or last longer than usual such as for two or three days, then it is time to see your gynaecologist or health care provider to get it treated. Disorders that can cause severe menstrual cramps include;

Endometriosis: This is a condition in which the tissue lining of the uterus(endometrium) forms and grows outside of the uterus instead of flowing out of the body during menstruation. These symptoms vary in different women, from no symptoms in some women to severe symptoms in some. The symptoms could include Pelvic pain, painful periods, pain following sexual intercourse, pain in the lower abdomen before and during menstruation, heavy menstrual bleeding. This condition could lead to infertility, so do see your gynaecologist immediately. 

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: A bacteria infection in the uterus, that enters through the vaginal passage and later spreads into the pelvic organs. Risk factors for this disease include having sex with multiple partners without protection. Symptoms are cramps or abdominal pain, fever, pain during urination and so much more. This disease is life-threatening, especially when the bacteria gets into the blood stream. See your doctor immediately, if you experience any of these symptoms or believe you have an infection. 

Fibroid: An abnormal growth in the inner wall of the uterus; these growths are typically non-cancerous. According to the National Institute of Health, 70-80 percent of women will develop fibroid during their lifetime. Most growths are small and will not require treatment. The cause of fibroid is basically unknown but risk factors include a family history, hormones, pregnancy and obesity.  Blacks are more prone to develop fibroid than any other race. Symptoms and treatment depend on the location, size and number of tumors. Symptoms include heavy bleeding, cramps, pelvic pain, bloating, enlargement and pressure in the lower abdomen.

Stenosis: A scarring in the cervix or lower part of the uterus. This condition can cause painful cramps. 

Things You might be Doing to make the Cramps Worse. 

Not exercising at all: Women who are not active at all, are more likely to experience cramps than women who are. Exercises, especially core exercises, are good for cramps, especially when done on a regular basis . 

Consuming a lot of caffeinated and fizzy drinks, sugary and salty foods:  Stay off caffeine, fizzy drinks, energy drinks, black tea, chocolates, sugary and salty foods, if you experience cramps. Sugar, salt and caffeine, all make cramps worse, so don't consume foods containing high amounts of these, days before or during your period. Replace processed foods with natural,  high fibre foods like dark-green vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, Fish, legumes, lentils and natural spices. These natural foods are high in nutrients that combat tensed muscles and painful cramps such as calcium, vitamin B1, B6, E, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids and magnesium . 

Not drinking ample amounts of water : Make sure you stay sufficiently hydrated with water. Water helps with the bloating and the feeling of being constipated. 

Smoking and consuming alcohol : If you suffer from painful cramps, these habits will only make the pain worse. Lay off these, before and during your period. 

Being stressed up and not getting enough rest: Stress can increase your muscle tension, thereby aggravating your painful periods. Make sure you soak up in a warm, muscle-soothing bath and get enough rest at all times .

If all these steps do not provide relief from the pain, then pay a visit to your gynecologist for treatment. Keep in mind that all menstrual cramps, whatever the cause, can be treated.


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