Filling, healthy & nutritious (image by Abercromby @Abercrombyvend on Twitter) 

Eat Breakfast like a King! 

But keep it healthy, nutritious and tasty! 

Food is fuel for the body and eating a hearty breakfast rich in proteins, vitamins, healthy fats and fibre, fuels your body early with the right stuff! 

Starting your day with a healthy breakfast boosts your energy levels, improves your mood, helps you lose weight, increases your attention span, keeps you alert and focused, increases your sense of wellbeing and overall health. It is highly essential for children to have breakfast before going to school. It will boost their memory and productivity in school.

PhotoCredit : HerbaLife Nutrition 

Studies have linked a healthy breakfast with having an optimal immune system, less chronic disease, increased longevity and better health. 

Don't be too busy to fuel your body with a good breakfast! 
