I stumbled on these funny,  locally-inspired food quotes quite by accident and thought to share. I don't have any idea who the originator is, but I do believe, however, that whoever came up with them,  is brilliant as well as hilarious. Even more hilarious are the famous names the quotes are attributed to. Have fun reading and laughing hard like I did. It will definitely have you in stitches and hopefully, brighten your mood. No offense intended, but if you are not a Nigerian, it might be a little hard to get or appreciate the humour.

Here goes:

Only a courageous woman can fry a bunch of plantain without tasting any. Albert Einstein (1872)
I strongly agree. In fact, I am yet to meet anyone who loves plantain that is quite so courageous.

Any man that uses his teeth to cut shaki from pepper soup with his eyes wide open is not afraid of anything. Martin Luther King Jr (1931)
That man is one of a kind. A born warrior. I truly respect him. 

He who fully unwraps a shawarma completely before eating it, cannot keep a secret. Abraham Lincoln (1864)
I am yet to meet anyone who fully unwraps a shawarma before eating it. Have you? 

He who asks for stew on top of his jollof rice has trust issues. Alexander iii(1709)
My advice -  don't marry such a fellow. 

Any man who drinks Alonso bitters without squeezing up his face, is capable of murder. Obasanjo (1999)
My advice - don't be a neighbor, friend or bedmate to such a  fellow. He is definitely dangerous. 

He who refuses to classify Agege bread and akara as a  type of sandwich is a racist. Martin Luther King Jr (1931)
Or a snub! 

Drinking gari doesn't mean you are poor, but allowing the gari to swell up before drinking is poverty. Queen Elizabeth (1893)
Read this again, and this time imagine the Queen of England saying this in her proper queen's English... . 

No matter how hot your temper is, it cannot cook yam. Buhari (1983)
I agree, Mr. President. If one's temper is not good for even that, then what is it good for? 

He who runs around looking for scissors to cut indomine noodles seasoning sachets is not yet hungry. Sir Nnamdi Azikwe (1947) 
True Talk. This is a generation where fast food is not fast enough. I cook my noodles, with hand on hips, feet tapping on the floor impatiently, peering into the pot every 10 seconds and shouting "hurry up. " I don't believe those noodles cook for two minutes by the way. 

Anyone who reads this without laughing, that person is looking for a job. Lord Lugard(1914)
