Chocolate macarons
Chocolate macarons (image by Recipes, Food and Cooking)  

Based on research and our individual experiences, it is common knowledge that majority of us tend to gain excess weight during the holidays. This is because, we are off work, relaxed and happy; we have been good and worked hard all year and deserve a break so we overindulge in food and treats, give up exercise and look forward to sleep, fizzy drinks, alcoholic beverages and physical inactivity. 

But most assuredly, with these tips, you will not only keep off the pounds but also stay fit and in control of your health through the holiday season. 

  • Drink a lot of water. Avoid or at least limit your consumption of alcohol, soft drinks and packed juices because of their high calorie content. Substitute or supplement with water.  
  • Don't skip breakfast. Research shows that people who skip breakfast are four (4)times more likely to be obese. Skipping breakfast can lead to unhealthy snacking or overeating later, so you should always fuel your body with a healthy breakfast. 
  • Prepare and eat a healthy meal at home before heading out to party with friends. This way you are full and so don't get tempted to overeat or overindulge. 
  • Eat in small portions. Don't heap your plate with a mountain of food, instead spread it evenly throughout the day in small portions. For example, instead of consuming three heavy meals, break it down to five small portions. 
  • Eat dinner before 7pm or at least three(3) hours before going to bed. 
  • Don't forget to eat a salad or some fruits every day. Don't ignore your fruits and veggies, just because it's Christmas. Include it in all your meal plans. 
  • Be picky about the treats. Be selective and in control of what you eat and don't just eat everything that is placed before you. 
  • Be active. Enjoy fun games and physical activity with friends and family during the holidays. Go for long "catching up with the gist" walks with loved ones, after dinner. This is also a good time to step up your strength training workouts and turn all those excess fat into great looking muscles. 

The whole idea is for you to relax and enjoy this wonderful time of the year with loved ones without feeling pressured or frustrated with yourself. Don't be hard on yourself and do not give up on your personal fitness goals. Feel free to enjoy the foods and the treats but in small portions. 

Happy Holidays, Everyone! 
