Celebrating 40

Surely you should know by now that "40s are the new 20s." Women in the fourth decade of their lives have learnt to trust and believe in themselves, say what they truly feel, know what they really want and that makes them super confident, truly powerful and sexy . In this decade of life, you are less concerned about pleasing everybody and can say 'no' without feeling guilty. You have learnt to ignore what other people think about you and don't care about belonging to the 'cool' crowd anymore. You are more focused on achieving your Life's purpose and finding value and significance in life. You have learnt that all choices have consequences - good or bad, and hopefully, you are making the right ones concerning your life, family, career and health.  

A daily skincare regimen can give your skin excellent results. So, do continue to check these boxes daily. If you have not been doing so, it's never too late to start. 

  • Eat fruits and vegetables regularly  
  • Apply sunscreen daily
  • Moisturize daily
  • Reduce stress and get a good night rest 
  • Hydrate regularly by drinking water

Here are more boxes to check in this decade of your life;

For a Wrinkle-Free Face, Use Retinol & Retinoids. 

Use creams that contain retinoids and retinol. They boosts your skin's collagen production, fill in and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, and give you a youthful glow. They are super effective on oily, acne-prone skin because they reduce oil production on the face and prevent acne. Creams with retinol and retinoids are used in the nighttime, not daytime because the sunrays make them less effective. So you can get products with retinol, in nighttime creams. Read the label to see if the skincare product contains retinol. For sensitive skin, test it out by applying a tiny bit to a small part of your skin, preferably the back of your hands before use. This is because both ingredients can be slightly irritating on sensitive skin. 

Exercise! Exercise! Exercise! 

Experts believe regular exercises could help you achieve a youthful skin glow and they recommend you do so at least three times per week . 

Doing as little as fifteen (15) minutes brisk walk regularly might have long-lasting anti-aging benefits such as increased blood flow to your skin, removal of harmful toxins through your sweat and increased production of skin repair enzymes. Take a stand for your health today. Move more and feel great . 

Make your 40s and beyond, the very best years of your life. Have a FABULOUS FORTY!
