The Human Body is undoubtedly God's greatest masterpiece, His pride and joy, a flawless work of art and a brilliantly complex yet simple creation. Let's find out why. 

Did You Know... 

The acid in your stomach is potent enough to dissolve metal. In a research study, metal razor blades were immersed in simulated gastric juices for not more than 24 hours, and the blades became 37 percent lighter. 
You see. "Terminator"  and "Robo Corp" have got nothing on us. 

Your small intestine, when it is stretched out to its full length, has about the same surface area as a tennis court.
Interesting. It is amazing how much distance our food has to cover to get to its final destination. It is also a wonder that the small intestine is able to fold and cram itself in our mid section. 

The entire DNA in your cells, if uncoiled, would stretch 10 billion miles, from here to Pluto and back.
Are you kidding me? 

Your heart beats about 100,000 times, pumping approximately 2000 gallons of blood.
Wow. I can't even carry 20 gallons of water. Kudos to you, Heart! 

Your blood flows about 12,000 miles through more than 60,000 miles of blood vessels.
Wow! Aren't we glad we don't have to walk that distance everyday? 

Experts believe your brain holds as much information as sixteen 64-gigabytes iPhones and possibly a lot more!
I'm throwing out my iPhone right now.

Human bones are ounce for ounce, stronger than steel.
Amazing! I feel like bending some iron rods right now. 

The number of neurons in a single human brain is approximately 100 billion, which is more than the entire world population.
I am speechless! 

When awake, the human brain produces enough electricity to power a light bulb.
Yippee! My own personal and mobile 'inverter' right here in my skull. 

The air that rushes out of your nose and mouth in a sneeze can travel at speeds of 100 miles per hour or more.
Next time, before you sneeze, kindly let us know. So, we can get the h*ll out of your way. 

Source: Oprah.com & Nutrition Directory. 
