As Kriptonite is to Superman, so are Free radicals to Human cells. 

What are these free radicals and why should we be concerned about them? 

Free radicals are formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules in the cells producing independent but abnormal atoms with unpaired electrons. These free radicals negatively alter the cellular structure of a tissue, damaging it. Once formed, if left unchecked, they become highly aggressive and reactive, and can multiply quickly, starting a chain reaction and destroying healthy cells by removing their electron in order to make up for their deficiency. 

Environmental factors such as air pollution, cigarette smoke, UV radiation, consuming excessive fried and smoked foods, and from food contaminants like pesticides, increase our exposure to free radicals. 

Normally, the body is able to defend itself from these free radicals through the help of antioxidants in foods and certain enzymatic reactions. Consuming a balanced diet rich in antioxidants is key to this process because the body cannot produce these micronutrients on its own so they must be supplied through a proper diet. The antioxidants are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta-Carotene and selenium. If these antioxidants are insufficient in ones diet and the free radical exposure and damage becomes excessive, a condition known as Oxidative stress ensues.

Numerous health conditions have been linked to Oxidative stress, which includes; arterial damage, cancer, lupus, several heart conditions, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimers disease, cataract, premature aging and many more.

How can you and I protect ourselves from Free radicals? 

We might not be able to entirely protect ourselves from free radicals but we can limit our exposure to them and boost our body's ability to defend itself against this damage by:

Consuming a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. Eat at least five(5) servings or handfuls of fruits and vegetables everyday. 

Eating foods that are organic and free from pesticides. Before eating any fruit or vegetable, especially the ones in which you also eat the skin, wash thoroughly with salt and water. 

Limit excessive frying and smoking of foods in your cooking. Avoid eating fried and burnt foods. 

Don't smoke and don't stay in the same space with those that do. 

Try to keep your environment free from all sorts of air pollutants especially from cars and generators.   
