You will be surprised at the things people take pride in. Some people take pride in not visiting the loo for a week! Especially, in places, where the public convenience is not so convenient!

A healthy digestive tract passes solid waste out from the range of three times a day to once in three days. Some days, it feels like a sprint and other days, it feels more like a long marathon. The difference between a sprint and a marathon is really about how much fibre and water you are having in your diet.

Fibre is an essential nutrient to include in your daily meal plan, because of its critical role in digestive health. It aids the smooth passage of solid waste by softening your stool and adding more bulk to it. Studies have shown that a diet rich in fibre prevents irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and reduces your risk of developing colon cancer. This is because one of the risk factors of colon cancer is infrequent bowel movement. Fibre rich foods control weight gain by helping you feel full quickly and longer; getting rid of bad cholesterol and fats so that your body doesn't store them under the skin or around your abdominal organs.

Food groups richest in fibre include fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, wholegrains. These foods are packed full of antioxidants. These antioxidants are mother nature's secrets of everlasting youth. They are what our bodies need to fight diseases and stop the damaging activities of free radicals in our cells.

For some drinking water first thing in the morning and regularly throughout the day, feels like a punishment. But your body needs this water to kickstart your digestive system. This water keeps things going smoothly down there, eliminating waste and harmful toxins, cleaning out the colon and aiding digestion. On the other hand, not consuming ample amount of water daily, can lead to constipation, frequent urinary tract infections and even skin conditions such as acne and eczema. How? When the water level in the body is low, there is reduced urine production and bowel movements and the ability of the body to remove toxins is seriously hindered. The water soluble toxins are then eliminated through the skin, which ages the skin by causing acne and an aggrevated eczema. So the difference between having a digestive sprint or a long-tiring marathon might just be the amount of water you are consuming.

So, the takeaway from this article is that if your loo experiences are more often than not an unpleasant struggle, there's your body's way of telling you that it needs a helping hand! So, instead of ignoring it, give your body what it needs. Increase the fibre in your everyday meals to at least half of your plate. Also, increase your regular water intake to at least eight glasses, if you are not already doing so. Show your body you care!
