Beans have always been unpopular among Nigerians. Even as a child, every one's best food was almost always rice and worst food, was very often beans. The myth which says 'beans will make you grow tall' was widely used by mothers to get their children to finish their plate of beans. To most Nigerians, rice is a staple, a status symbol, a Sunday afternoon meal, a get together 'celebration' food. Majority hardly ever admit to liking beans because they don't want to be seen as different, weird or so not 'cool'. Beans is still an unpopular choice in children's lunch packs. The preferred choices are rice, potatoes, plantain, yam. Even among adults, beans is infamously known as the meal that usually causes stomach upsets and frequent bowel movements. Poor beans!


That ordinary looking and probably, ignored container full of beans you have in your food store is an antioxidant superstar and nutritionally, white rice cannot even stand beside it! Beans is a rich source of protein as we were rightly taught in Kindergarten but the nutritional profile of beans goes far beyond that. Beans is rich in vitamin Bs, potassium, fiber, iron, folic acid, folate, magnesium, complex carbohydrates and a host of disease fighting antioxidants. For those looking to shed a few pounds, this may be the best news of all, that plain beans contain no saturated fat, no transfat and no cholesterol. Beans are low in calories and virtually fat free. Thank you, Lord.

Contrary to the popular belief that beans cause constipation, beans are actually excellent for keeping things going smoothly down there. This is because they are high in fibre, both soluble and insoluble fibre . These two types of fibre aid digestion in a number of ways by getting rid of excess cholesterol, preventing irritable bowel syndrome and softening your solid waste. Having a high fibre diet prevents colon cancer and elevated blood sugar levels, making it a safe meal for people with diabetes. To prevent the feeling of being constipated after consuming beans, don't eat it late at night or right before going to bed. Eat it during the day or at least four hours before bedtime, in small portions and drink an ample amount of water.

Beans is rich in minerals such as folate and magnesium. All these minerals work together to regulate and maintain body functions and ensure your organs keep on working at optimal health. The magnesium and the folate are actively involved in the transfer of nutrients, oxygen and blood to all the cells in the body, thereby preventing stroke and heart attack. Eating legumes(beans and peas) and nuts three or more times a week will lower your risk of developing high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack by about 20% compared with those who take them less than once a week.

A plate of beans is rich in energy giving iron. This makes it an excellent alternative to red meat for those with valid concerns about meat. An iron rich diet is essential to all, particularly, women - from puberty to menopause. Iron is essential for the development of red blood cells and in ensuring that the cells get adequate oxygen. The vitamin B1 in beans is required for proper growth, fertility, the development of brain cells and nerve tissues.


In Lagos, Nigeria, the brown beans is the most common. Other varieties such as the white, are less common, and the black, even less. Which is a pity really, as the black beans, not only have an interesting taste, but it is also a nutrient powerhouse. While growing up, the black beans were more readily available then than now. It was used to make a delicacy called 'Free John' originally from Sierra Leone, which was cooked to celebrate the birth of twins among the Yorubas (a tribe in South Western, Nigeria). The light brown 'honey' beans are also widely available. Though, the 'honey' and the 'beans' seem to have gone their separate ways over the years because the honey taste have completely disappeared from the beans. Not sure why, though. Maybe, due to climate change. Over the years, all beans in general, seem to have lost their natural sweetness and smell. I can still remember the rich taste and smell of cooked beans in those days and I compare it to now, and I wonder if my sense of smell and taste have diminished over the years.

Has anyone noticed how much the beans sold in Lagos markets have evolved over the years to perfectly neat, no single weevil, shiny looking and perfectly looking beans? This ought to be a good thing, right? No! These beans might score high in a beauty contest but nutritionally, they are hard on your stomach and not great for your health. These 'designer' beans have high pesticide content, that is why they never get soft, no matter how long you cook.


Beans are quite affordable, filling and there are several tasty meals that can be made from it. For example, if you feel that cooked 'Palm oil' beans or beans cooked with corn or plantain is too hard on your delicate tummy, then you should try moimoi (beans pudding) or akara (beans cake). The skin of the beans that is washed off during the preparation of these meals contain major antioxidants, so do try to make up for the loss, by making your moimoi and akara as rich as you can. Ewa Igoyin is another tasty meal made with beans, fish and vegetable /groundnut oil.

Do include beans in your diet as often as possible and who knows? You might just like it.
