Kinky hair
A Black Woman's Hair

Someone rightly said;

Great-looking Hair does not stay home on a Friday. 

Is your hair thinning, breaking, dry or flaky? Are you tired of using topical hair treatments and conditioners that promise the world but do little or nothing to strengthen your hair and promote hair growth? If yes, then you are reading the right article. Your hair, like every other part of your body, needs special attention, care and nourishment. Factors such as emotional, mental and physical stress, dehydration and eating an unbalanced diet can and would ultimately take their toll on your hair, if that trend is not checked quickly. So the key to a healthier hair and a healthier you is reducing stress in your life, exercising, drinking a lot of water and eating a balanced diet. The thrust of this article is the major nutrients and foods that you need to include in your diet to nourish and strengthen your hair, prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. These nutrients and foods will each be discussed in detail.

Vitamin C! Vitamin C is not only one of the top elixirs that nature has given mankind, but it is also a great antioxidant for your hair and skin. A diet rich in this vitamin will go a long way in strengthening and keeping your hair healthy and supple. Vitamin C can be found in all citrus fruits, including yellow and orange fruits such as oranges, lemon, lime, mangoes, pineapples, Pawpaw, berries, grapes and vegetables such as greens, sweet potatoes.

Omega 3! This good fat can be found in all nuts, oily fish, olive oil, avocados, beans and lentils. These foods keep your hair and scalp supple and healthy.

Zinc! Foods high in zinc are great for your natural hair. Foods like beef, turkey, sweet corn, red meat, eggs, milk and yogurt. Your red meat, however, should be lean and eaten in moderation.

Vitamin B12! For your hair health, include rich sources of vitamin B12 in your diet. Foods that are rich in this vitamin are shrimps, honey, oats, bananas, water melon, carrots and eggs.

Biotin! Biotin plays a key role in your body's metabolism and in the growth of your hair. It can be found in egg yoke, turkey, dry fruits, ground nut, soya beans.

Iron! A diet rich in iron will go a long way in nourishing and strengthening your hair. Include foods like unripe plantain, lean meat and kidney beans in your diet.

Vitamin D3! This is another vitamin that is particularly great for your hair. It helps keep the hair supple and prevents breakage. Fish oils and cod liver oils are rich sources of vitamin D3.

Proteins! Protein rich foods give your natural hair volume and strength. This nutrient helps prevent hair thinning and breakage. Foods that are high in protein include lentils, kidney beans, green beans, eggs and fish.

You can take a hair multivitamin supplement, if you feel you are not getting enough nutrient in your diet. But do note that a supplement, as the name implies, should not replace the natural nutrients you can only derive in foods. The state of your hair is often a reflection of your general health. So, do pay attention to both.

Have a Great Hair Day! 
