Diagram of a human heart

If you were given an opportunity to cook a meal for your heart, what would you cook? Would you take a moment to think, research and plan or would you just nonchalantly whip up anything on your plate? When you have an important guest coming over for dinner, what would be the first thing you would do? You would probably take time to inquire about the guest, know their likes or dislikes, if they have any food allergies or are intolerant of any food. Even though we don't think about it often,  there is always a guest at the table, and that guest is your heart. Tell me,  what category of nutrients and foods do you think your heart would prefer? Before you answer that,  let's consider how important this guest is to you.

The heart is an amazing organ, right at the center of your cardiovascular system. A power engine that is responsible for pumping blood, carrying nutrients and oxygen to every part of your body and taking waste and carbon dioxide out. Your heart works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for many years. It beats an average of 70 times per minute, adding up to more than a 100 thousand beats a day, more than 35 million beats a year and depending on how long you live, well over a billion beats in an average lifetime. This immensely powerful organ is surprisingly, no bigger than the size of your fist and weighs just a little more than half a pound. Your heart never grumbles, never goes on a strike,  never walks away and leaves you stranded when conditions are stressful or asks for a day off. It works continuously everyday, including Sundays, holidays and even while you are enjoying your beauty sleep. What an incredible and dependable little organ the Human heart is. Now that you have an idea of how important this guest is to you and how much this guest deserves your utmost attention and respect, let me ask the question again? Tell me what kind of foods do you think your heart would like, if it could speak?

The good fats! Foods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and Mono Unsaturated fats are your heart's delight. This is because these nutrients have an anti clotting compound that helps you blood flow easily through the blood vessels. All oily fish are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as the Titus fish and sardines. Also, all nuts, especially walnuts, are rich in these good heart friendly fats. Nuts are also high in Fibre, potassium, calcium,  magnesium and vitamin E. Research suggests that those who include any type of nuts in their diet for at least three (3) days in a week have a lower risk of heart disease than those who eat them less often. Avocados are also rich in these healthy fats that not only lowers bad cholesterol in the body,  it also has an anti inflammatory effect. Cod liver oil and fish oils are rich in omega 3. Beans and olive oil also fall in this category.

Lycopene! Lycopene is an anti oxidant that gives fruits and vegetables their red colour such as tomatoes, tomato paste, water melon. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene even when cooked. Cook your tomatoes with a heart friendly oil such as olive oil. These together in your meals complement each other,  bringing out the best in each. Because,  tomatoes is also an excellent source of vitamin A, C, potassium and fiber, these nutrients combined with the lycopene protect the heart from diseases which can weaken it.

Potassium! This is another nutrients that is especially good for the heart. Potassium helps reduce blood pressure by aiding the kidneys get rid of excess sodium, which in turn, prevents stroke and heart attack. Bananas, unsweetened yogurt and Irish potatoes are high in potassium. Also, the milk in an unripe and immature coconut has twice the amount of potassium that banana has.

Green teas are great for a wide number of reasons but especially because they are great for the heart. The catechins in green tea are effective in fighting gum disease and lowering blood sugar levels which can lead to heart disease, if not prevented. Lemons are great in your green tea because they are rich in vitamin C which enables your body utilize effectively the antioxidants in the tea.

Fibre rich foods are great for the heart! Various research studies have linked a high Fibre diet with a lower risk of heart disease. Food groups richest in Fibre include fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains. Green vegetables such as ugu, water leaf, Ewedu, cucumber, spinach; to mention a few,  are packed full of antioxidants that are great for the heart. Eating a healthy diet of Fibre rich foods will ensure your arteries are free from dangerous plaques. Eating an apple a day goes a long way to protect the heart. The phytonutrients in apples, such as the flavonoids and Fibre,  can help you regulate your blood sugar, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood. Whole grains such as wheat, oats, millet; are also high in soluble Fibre. Eating beans(all types of beans such as kidney beans, black beans, green beans) regularly is good for your heart. Beans are rich in anti aging compounds such as flavonoids that helps lower the risk of heart attack and strokes. All the foods in this category, are packed with phytonutrients that are great for your skin and help keep your organs young.

Beta carotene is the orange pigment in foods. They can be found in orange fleshed sweet potatoes, water melon, dark orange carrots, egg yolk, spinach, peaches and grains. It is a type of vitamin A found in plants and it protects your heart from free radicals.

Olive oil is worth mentioning in a category of its own. Olive oil is rich in healthy fats and phytonutrients that keep your heart young and healthy. There is no oil quite like olive oil when it comes to heart health. Include at least a table spoon of olive oil in your daily diet and your heart would thank you for it.

Garlic is not only a great tasting spice but it is also packed full of anti aging compounds that are great for your heart. After peeling, let your garlic sit for some few minutes to bring out the best in them before adding them to your soups and broth.

The natural unsweetened cocoa powder is rich in flavonoids that are good for your heart and blood vessels. Drink a glass of this 100% natural cocoa powder every day or add it to your fruit smoothies and you will be cutting down your risk of developing a heart attack.

Eating for a healthy heart means filling your plate every day with all the heart friendly foods discussed above, drinking plenty of water through out the day, incorporating cardiovascular exercises into your daily routine or for at least three(3) days in a week. Cardiovascular exercises such as running, jogging, skipping, riding a bike, dancing, swimming, brisk walking; maintaining a healthy body weight, getting 7 to 9 hours of good quality sleep, managing stress levels in your life and avoiding sugar, excessive salt intake, unhealthy fats such as Trans fats and saturated fats, refined carbohydrates such as white rice,  white bread,  white flour. Smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol is a no, no.

If your heart could sing for joy, it would be doing so right now out of sheer pleasure. Your heart deserves your best,  if you want it to continue to provide you an excellent ceaseless service for many years to come.
