A bunch of fruits

LAW NUMBER 1 - Eat only foods that are grown from the earth or gotten from an animal. Avoid all foods created by man in a factory.

LAW NUMBER 2 - Eat only foods that do not have food labels.  Natural foods do not have food composition labels.

LAW NUMBER 3 -  Eat only foods that can decay and grow bad. Heavily processed foods hardly ever decay or grow mould. Some,  can even stay for ten years and longer without growing bad.

A basket of healthy fruits and vegetables

LAW NUMBER 4 -  Eat only foods that are fresh. Avoid or limit consumption of foods preserved in tins and cans.

LAW NUMBER 5 -  Eat only foods that your great grandparents will recognize as food. Let's face it, our fore fathers lived in a time when foods were organic and natural. There was nothing like preservatives, additives,  flavorings and coloring then.

Do you have any good food laws of your own? Do share....
