Flat belly and core

Are you concerned about your protruding middle? Do you want your clothes to fit better and show off your curves in all the right places? Do you crave for a firmer core and stomach muscles? Do you desire a flatter belly? Then, find out the six foods you need to incorporate in your diet - 


Apples are an excellent source of pectin, a soluble fibre. This fibre rids you of hunger pangs, lowers your blood cholesterol levels and gets rid of excess fats so that your body doesn't store them under the skin or around your middle. The skin of the apple is the most nutritious part and great for muscle toning and development. 

Leafy Green Vegetables 

Leafy green veggies are packed full of high quality nutrients that boosts your body's immunity, prevents the accumulation of fats and increases  your life span. They are rich in fibre and antioxidants which helps control your weight by keeping you feeling full quickly and getting rid of bad cholesterol and fats. 

Olive Oil 

Olive oil,  as a culinary oil, is rich in healthy, heart-friendly fats, that hinders your body from packing on the pounds. It is rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients that aid weight loss. Olive oil, however, must be consumed in moderation. 


Proteins, such as fish, kidney beans, eggs, green beans, nuts, soybeans, potatoes and lentils, help you stay full longer and makes your body's metabolism work faster. Proteins are ideal for breakfast because they are rich in fibre and these aids digestion by getting rid of excess cholesterol, preventing irritable bowel syndrome and softening solid waste. Proteins are also ideal after a good workout because they are made up of amino acids which build the cells, tissues, muscles and organ walls. 

Whole Grains 

Substitute your white carbs with healthy wholegrains such as oats, whole grain cereals, wheat bread, millet, wheat, brown rice. Whole grains should be included in any weight loss program because it is a proven cholesterol reducer and packed with vitamins such as vitamin B1, B2 and E, and minerals such as iron and zinc. 
