The Human Brain
The Human Brain

Do you often forget where you left your car keys? Or searched frantically for a comb you have stuck in your hair? Or often leave the house without your wallet? Or do you sometimes forget people's names or stop your conversations mid-sentences, because you can't recall where you left off? If your answer is 'yes' to any of these questions, then this post might just be what you need. So pay attention!


The human brain, in spite of its soft gel-like structure and small size, is a super-duper amazingly complex, incredible and powerful organ. It weighs about 1.3-1.5 kilograms and makes up only about 2% of an individual's body weight. The number of neurons in a single human brain is approximately 100 billion, which is about 90 times the population of China and more than the entire world population 15 times over. It is the executive organ of the human nervous system and it is in control of virtually every process and activity in the body. The brain is responsible for movement, memory, intelligence, personality, reasoning, hearing, speech, sensation, thoughts, biological processes, regulation of body temperature and so much more. Your brain supports your heart and your lungs;  so you need your brain to be able to breathe, to see, to think, to move, to speak, to feel, to process things, to store memories and to plan for the future. This means you can't blink, wiggle your toe, move your bowels, pick up your child, sing or laugh without consulting your brain. Incredible!!! Isn't it?!! Studies reveal that the brain conducts 5 trillion chemical reactions every second to ensure you are able to do all that you want to do. Man's greatest, biggest, most brilliant, amazing and most incredible achievements, inventions, wonders and discoveries is only possible because of the brain. No wonder when the brain suffers neurological injuries and is declared brain dead, the patient is pronounced to be legally dead in most countries.

With all these amazing super-duper functions that the brain performs, surely, you would agree with me that your brain is not only your greatest asset but also your body's most vital organ. Unfortunately, the Human brain can very easily be harmed by degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimers and other forms of dementia. That is why your brain needs to be fed and nourished with the right foods containing the right nutrients. These nutrients are essential in improving the efficiency of the brain and they aid the brain to generate new cells at any age. These super nutrients can be found in some selected foods called brain foods.

                        BRAIN FOODS

Foods that are rich in good and healthy fats such as omega 3 fatty acids and fat soluble vitamin E are great for the brain. The majority of the cell structure in the brain consists of fats. In fact, the brain is said to consist of 60% fats and as the brain continues to build new cells, grow additional neurons and utilize 20% of the total body energy, it needs a  good amount of these healthy natural fats to be consumed. Foods like nuts, oily fish, almond, fish oils, cod liver oil, avocados, eggs and wheat germ all provide healthy nutrients for the brain. Walnuts are powerful brain foods as well; they are often referred to as the brain nut. Olive oil is also an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids.

Natural spices such as garlic, ginger, onion, curry, turmeric, Chillies, thyme, nutmeg, cinnamon; are rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are excellent for the brain. Cinnamon is a great brain spice and a healthy replacement for sugar in your tea.

The different varieties of teas, especially green tea, are ideal brain foods. They contain natural plant sources of antioxidants such as polyphenol; flavonoids, theanine and catechins. Teas stimulate the brain cells, prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine and thereby, prevent memory loss. Teas also contain methylxanthines and caffeine that stimulate the brain and enhance brain concentration levels.

You can never go wrong with these... . The antioxidants in fruits and vegetables qualify them as excellent brain foods. Eat deep colored fruits and vegetables that have the colors of the rainbow.

There is nothing like water to give your brain the necessary hydrating boost it needs. Studies reveal that about 75% of the total brain mass is comprised of water, which regulates brain functions. Sometimes, your brain feels clogged and you feel mentally tired and drained, a mild case of dehydration can cause this. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day by sipping on water of room temperature. It will go a long way to increase your mental energy and capacity.

Although, this might seem too good to be true but dark chocolates, especially those that are made of 70% cocoa, is actually very good for your brain. In moderation, of course. Dark chocolates are rich in powerful antioxidants and minerals such as polyphenols, flavanols, catechins, Fibre, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium, phosphorus, manganese and a lot more. These nutrients protect your brain cells, improve blood flow to the brain and slow down memory loss in the aged. Most importantly, there's nothing like chocolate to brighten your mood, soothe a broken heart or help you forget the bad day you have had.
