Nigerian white-fleshed Sweet Potatoes

             Sweet Potatoes versus Yams

In Nigeria, there is no confusion between sweet potatoes and yams. When you compare the size, weight and cost of a tuber of yam to a bunch of sweet potatoes in Lagos, the difference is clear. Yams are longer, much bigger and heavier than sweet potatoes; the skin of yams are deep brown with a rough and scaly texture compared to the smooth light skin on the sweet potatoes. Yams are starchy, drier and do not have the natural sweetness and tenderness of sweet potatoes plus it takes much longer to cook. But when you compare the nutritional profile of both, sweet potatoes are far superior to yams. In fact, one can jokingly but truthfully say, 'yams no fi stand beside sweet potatoes bcos dey no bi mate. ' 

        The Different Varieties of Sweet                                       Potatoes 

The different varieties of sweet potatoes that can be found in Lagos, Nigeria, are grown and brought in from the northern part of the country. These varieties are majorly three and it is determined by the skin and flesh of the sweet potatoes which can be white, orange/yellow or purple. The white ones are presently the most common here in Lagos. The orange-fleshed and Purple-fleshed ones are less common these days than they used to be. Not sure why! The orange/yellow fleshed sweet potatoes is believed to be the most nutritious of the three, followed by the purple ones and then the white. But not to worry! Whichever one you buy, you are still getting one of nature's super foods! 

    Nutritional Profile of Sweet Potatoes 

Nutritionally, sweet potato is a root to be reckoned with in the vegetable Kingdom. It is rich in antioxidants such as Beta-Carotene, vitamin C, B1, B2, B5 & 6, several carotenoids, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, pantothenic acid, dietary fiber, copper and calcium. This makes sweet potatoes score high on the list of foods having anti inflammatory, antioxidant, anti hypertensive and blood sugar regulating properties. 

Sweet potatoes, especially the orange/yellow fleshed ones, is one of nature's unsurpassed sources of beta carotene. Beta-Carotene is a form of vitamin A that gives fruits and vegetables their orange color. This makes the consumption of these root vegetable particularly beneficial for growing children and adolescents because it supplies them with about 80 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin A, needed for their proper growth and development. The deficiency of vitamin A can lead to night blindness, weak bones, poor immunity to fight infections and adversely affect a growing child's learning ability and cognitive function. Because of the crucial role that beta carotene plays in combating free radicals in the body, it has become one of the most sought after carotenoids.

The vitamin Bs in sweet potatoes all work together to strengthen the body's immunity to infections but individually, they each have a key role to play in the body. The vitamin B1 is vital for growth and to keep the digestive tract, heart, brain and nervous system healthy. Vitamin B2 works with the stomach enzymes to speed up metabolism. Vitamin B6 is an immune booster, essential for proper body functioning. 

Sweet potatoes are also high in vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of nature's super antioxidants with a great number of benefits. This vitamin fights against free radicals in the body and improves the body's immunity against infections and diseases such as flu, cold, cancer and a host of degenerative diseases. It also promotes the quick healing of skin injuries and ensures healthy blood vessels, joints and gums. 

The Fibre content in sweet potatoes ensures the health of the colon and the digestive tract. It also regulates blood sugar levels even in persons with Type 2 diabetes by releasing sugar slowly into the blood stream. 

The potassium in sweet potatoes is essential in maintaining heart health by lowering blood pressure and regulating the heart beat. The magnesium that can be found in sweet potatoes promote muscle, bone and nerve health. The manganese is useful in regulating the blood sugar levels as well as the production of new cells. 

   The Best Way to Peel and Cook Sweet                                  Potatoes 

Because sweet potatoes is a root vegetable, it does not take a long time to cook. Best cooking methods is boiling and steaming and not frying in order to get the maximum health benefits. Boil or steam your sweet potatoes for a few short minutes until it is soft. When peeling your sweet potatoes, the flesh usually darkens upon contact with air. Don't panic! This is due to oxidation. To prevent this, either cook them immediately after peeling and cutting them or keep them completely covered in a bowl filled with room temperature water until you are ready to cook them.
